
'Waldorf UK' is the trading name of the Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship Ltd. It is a charity limited by guarantee. A Board of Trustees is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the charity and the membership criteria for schools, independent kindergartens and 'other' members.

The Executive Group (EG) is responsible for all operational matters and reports regularly to the Board. The EG is supported by consultant advisors and other support staff. 

Regular network meetings are held throughout the year with school leadership, Trustees/Governor Boards and other professional peer groups including Designated Safeguarding Leads, Equality and Diversity Leads, Class Teacher Groups, Kindergarten Managers and Teachers and Mental Health and Wellbeing Leads. Briefings and other communications are sent out periodically and formal yearly reporting to the membership takes place through the Annual General Meeting, twice yearly Association Meetings.

Our Trustees

  • Ben Arnold
  • Diana Ball (Chair)
  • Nick Brett
  • Constantin Court
  • Paul Georgiades
  • Evan James (Treasurer) 
  • Erika Taylor
  • Sinead Wilson-Devane
  • Michaela de Winter

To contact the trustees, please email

If you wish to make a complaint concerning Waldorf UK, please see our Complaints Procedure.